Sunday, September 7, 2014

Dream Big. Do Big. Be Big!

Overwhelmed working on my unit plans so I thought I'd take a quick procrastination break to blog tonight's 30-day challenge topic.

Day 7 My Most Inspiring Colleague. 

With a class motto of "Dream Big. Do Big. Be Big!", Mr. Stuart has taught many grades from high school all the way down to elementary. Currently a second grade teacher, I think breaking free from the standardized testing grades has given his innovative teaching a chance to soar.

This was his class last year. Built by his 2nd grade students, this ship carried his class to the new worlds of knowledge and exploration. 

His "Find the Hero in You!" book about Columbus inspired his students to become their best selves no matter what obstacles they faced in life. 

He is definitely one of the toughest teachers I have ever worked with. He never gives up on his students and he never lets them give up on themselves. He holds the bar high, and although he may spot a student till they reach it, he will never lower it for them.

His impact is strong and long lasting for his students, as seen when parents reminisce about the amazing growth their children had during their year with "Mr. Stuart". But more compelling than that, are the past students who are now in high school and college, still reaching out to their former teacher to tell him what a lasting impact he had on their lives.

1 comment:

  1. I am honored and humbled, and smiling BIG!!!! Thank you :-)
